“Putting Out the Fire”

I am into my own imagined form of holistic medical treatment when it comes to headaches. I was on a flight to Maryland last month for work, and for some reason (not even a hangover this time) as soon as the plane went airborne the back of my right eye-ball started throbbing with a piercing jab to my inner cranium. From the wisdom of the David Bowie song, when it comes to a skull-splitting headache you can fight pain with torturous, driving pain itself. As I press firmly with the dagger points of my fingertips to my temples I can drill directly to the source of the pain, a congested nerve center, and cruelly torment my tormentor with a blinding surge of blood-curdling agony. After pressing, digging, and gouging that one single focus of anguish for a beat past despair I begin to feel the thudding pulse of the veins in my wretched skull opening wide to relieve my afflicted mind. Continue reading

U2 Alert!

Minding my own business dashing in and out of a mega-retail, I accidentally noticed a giant, bold, black and white “U2” propped up along the record aisles. I must have missed the big news about a new U2 album, but it was no time before I was in line at the cashier with a copy of “No Line on the Horizon“. Just like seeing a queen of diamonds card in “The Manchurian Candidate” I’m subconsciously triggered to buy U2 records. Remember my last story about the weird places I ended up after being “activated”? Not so bad this time, I actually remember walking back to my car, ripping through the plastic, and loading the CD in my stereo. I’ve been playing it a few times to figure it out and it is growing on me. You know it’s hard though to introduce something new to the context of very deep memories. U2 records have been a part of my life to the roots of my identity, and this is their twelfth, almost thirty years from their first. It’s a stretch to accept new books in the bible. Continue reading