Turkey Buffet

Netlflix online streaming is great for swiftly pulling up a long list of movies to watch, but I can flip through the list of suggestions for so long, with no interest, that I get bored, give up and do something else. First world problem, I know. I start out thinking there’s got to be some great movie, enlightening documentary, or hilarious Louis CK masturbation joke that will broaden my horizons. Netflix is limited by whatever feasible licensing deals they can manage, and they seem to be making a killing at securing utter shit cinematic bombs. At least you have a choice of what shit to watch, and the long chance for a serendipitous discovery. On broadcast television and radio you are almost certainly locked into abysmal mediocrity. The big outlets cringe away from taking any chances and from missing the center of mass of the broadest audience. Continue reading


One of the greatest paradigm shifts to credit to the Internet is turning the tables on who provides the content. Way back when, there were only three network television stations, four if you could wiggle your rabbit ears the right way, and they would push out whatever they were pushing at the time. If you wanted some alternative, you were left to look at your cat or watch your family doing psychologically confusing things. Whatever the limits of imagination or corporate profit motives were, the gatekeepers defined what you discovered. Without jumping to the Wikipedia article or making up facts, let’s skip ahead to raw, unfiltered blogs and streaming audio, with the brilliant possibilities of no gatekeepers. This author appreciates the irony of discussing blogs that lack in fine editorial craft. Continue reading