Physical Copy? No Thanks.

Evidently as a direct result of my story about waiting countless agonizing days after purchasing a physical CD from Amazon before I could first listen to the contents, Amazon made good by enacting AutoRip. When I checked in on my Cloud Player I found an extra 20 records I had bought in my entire history with, and that includes a few I had forgotten about. That’s a really nice gesture and it may save me a step or two in the future in getting the tracks synced to my iPod. From what I have read the MP3s are 256 kbps, which is far above average. However, I’m still feeling inclined to write a letter directly to Amazon to plead for some kind of option to get albums in lossless (FLAC) format, along a pdf of the full cover art and liner notes. There’s a lot of personality and even hidden surprises tucked within the clever scribbles and cryptic notes of the little album booklet. I’d pay if they would just hold onto the physical disc so I don’t have to keep it here in a junk pile, unopened.